High School

High School

As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the sacramental power present within the young Church. This program engages our young people in their faith in a unique way that has never been done before, with the goal of creating young leaders who are willing to boldly proclaim their Catholic faith!  Our high school students are engaged in church teaching and tradition through ideas and activities that are trendy and exciting!

Grade 11 Faith Development Class Curriculum

During the Sacrament of Confirmation our students prepare to receive the Holy Spirit more intensely.

Our teaching is guided by Decision Point from Dynamic Catholic, which is the most-used Confirmation program in America.  It’s specifically developed to engage young Catholics in a meaningful conversation about the genius of Catholicism. It teaches and inspires teens to respond to God’s grace, and it is changing hundreds of thousands of young lives.

Although we use Decision Point to guide our discussion and teaching, special attention is given to actively engage our confirmation students through active learning and Set the Stage to Engage teaching strategies.  Our confirmation program looks to set our young people on fire with the Holy Spirit so they are willing to move from hearing God’s Word to doers of God’s Word! 


FIRE Camp is an amazing day for students in grades 5-8 with students in grades 9-12 helping to run the event for the middle schoolers. The event takes place on a Saturday in spring. Students arrive in the morning for prayer and a quick breakfast, followed by service work out in the community. They gather back at St. Johns for lunch, a speaker and a few activities and games, and the day ends with 4:30 p.m. Mass.

Christmas Bag Drop

This event allows our 9-12 grade students to deliver bags of Christmas cheer to random members of our community before Christmas.  The Christmas bags are put together and donated by our parish community.  This service opportunity is a favorite among many of our high school students.  It allows them to have fun bringing the love of Jesus to members of our community.


Living Stations of the Cross

9th and 10th grade students present the Stations of the Cross as a live drama in church.  It is a wonderful, family-friendly reflective experience to enhance your Holy Week.  All are invited!

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Catholic Heart Workcamp

Catholic Heart is a week-long mission trip that shares the love of Christ with those who are neglected, brokenhearted or marginalized in any way.  Our teens are challenged to live as Jesus’ Disciples by serving others. Our young people also have the opportunity to grow in their Catholic faith with teens from all over the country through the sacraments, prayer and service to others.

To support our Youth attending Catholic Heart Work Camp in 2024, see below for fundraising opportunities they are partaking in!

To send a Flock of Flamingos to a friend & help our St. John’s missionaries visit: https://www.holyspirit-parish.org/flocking

The 2023 Catholic Heart Workcamp to Dover, DE in June was a great success! Thank you for all of the prayers and support!

If you have any questions, please contact the Faith Development office at stjnfaithdev@stjn.org or (920) 788-9033.

Learn more about our Faith Development and Youth Ministry programs